All About Wardtown

Our Members at Work

Wardtown Park opened in the early 1960s and has grown over the years into a 60-site, resident-owned manufactured home community. But that transition didn't happen overnight. We began the move toward controlling our own destiny in 2014. That's when, with the help of The Cooperative Development Institute and ROC USA®, we formed Wardtown Mobile Home Cooperative, Inc. that would, in May of 2015, purchase and take control of our community.
Now, the community is not only a successful business, but also a thriving neighborhood. The process of the cooperative buying the land beneath our homes brought this community closer together. Not only do we know far more of our neighbors than ever before, but we look out for one another, too. And with no outside landlord to report to, we're the envy of other nearby manufactured home communities.
Our member households elect our board of directors which works with a financial manager and also appoints various volunteer committees to help with special projects, celebrations, community improvements and more. The board submits a budget every year, and the entire membership votes on it and any changes to the rent before the budget becomes official. Our rent has stabilized since becoming a ROC – something about which we're not only happy, but also proud. We're running the million dollar business that is our community on our terms, by our rules, for the betterment of ourselves and our neighbors.
Wardtown Mobile Home Cooperative couldn't be better situated. The town of Freeport meets all our basic needs, grocery stores, restaurants, a local post office and a pharmacy all right around the corner. Freeport sits on the north shore of beautiful Casco Bay. Well known for its outlet shopping, the town is rich in history and recreational opportunities. The town is dedicated to a harmonious and balanced life and is a remarkable place to visit and live.
Since we voted to become a resident-owned community, we have worked hard to improve our community. Through events like an annual picnic and the relationships we build with our neighbors, we are constantly expanding, and finding new ways to make our community better.
Ask anyone who lives in Wardtown, and we're sure they'll tell you it's a little slice of heaven.
Meet Our Board

Carol Hodgkins
President/Communications Chair

Leslie Sullivan
Vice President

Deanna Coro

Bill Hodgkins
Treasurer/Membership Chair
Dee Guimond
At Large/Wellness Chair
Elizabeth Mason
At Large

Rita Dunton
At Large
Mikal Guimond
Operations Manager