1 Jean Street
Freeport, Maine 04032
Tel: 207-558-8996
Commercial Website: www.wardtown.com
The best place for
your best days
Welcome Home
Wardtown members and residents, this is your home. Here you will find news and information on upcoming events as well as links to documents and forms regarding business here at the park and other important community information.
Garden Committee:
The Garden Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 11th at the Wardtown Community Building.
Special Bulletins
Special news and Bulletins will appear here.
Annual Meeting Recap:
In a nutshell, the budgets passed and the census has become a rule. Kathy Heseltine is our new Vice President, Art Shea is the new Operations Manager, and Liz Mason and Marianna Casagranda are the two elected at-large board members. The treasurer’s position remained unfilled so the board, at their next meeting, will either appoint Bill Hodgkins, who had termed out after three two-year terms, to another term or ask him to continue as treasurer until someone else agrees to take the position.
The new regular annual budget requires a rent increase of ten dollars. This is the first increase we have seen in five years. This will start on June 1, 2021. The increase will take place automatically for those with automatic withdrawal.
Usually, during our annual meetings, we decide how much of our surplus we will transfer to our reserve account. This year we voted to table that decision until several outstanding large bills are received so we can determine just what our surplus might be. Repairs to our aging infrastructure have put us severely over budget and could possibly cause us to show a loss for the first time in six years.
First Campfire of the Season
Cinco de Mayo - May 5, 2021, at 6:30 PM at the Community Building.
Come have a hot dog, chili dog, or a bowl of chili. There will be S’mores, music, and lots of community fun. Bring your favorite chair and beverage.

Community Life

Life is good at Wardtown. There is no better form of affordable housing than the Mobile Home Community, and there is no better form of Mobile Home Community than a Resident-owned community. Step up and be part of that community.

March Board Meeting
Was held on March 22, 2021
Membership is currently at 100%.
Two new homes have been installed on Lajoie and Juniper.
Tree work continues with removals in several places in the park
The wellness committee has been busy with welcome packets
The Garden Committee is gearing up for a busy spring. Anyone wanting to help or looking for garden space should contact the office.
There are changes to the phone system to give callers a better way to reach the people they need.
The board is busy planning the upcoming annual meeting.

New Office and Community Building

Our new building, "The Keep," is almost complete. Since this photo was taken a large deck has been constructed. This building and the surrounding grounds are available for use by members of the park for small special interest groups, birthday parties, weddings, family reunions, etc. Please contact a member of the board of directors or call the office (207-558-8996) for more information.

Behind in Rent…
It’s important to know that you live in a cooperative. By their very nature, cooperatives are more forgiving and understanding about things that happen in life that cause financial issues. Home and car repairs, job losses and cutbacks happen in this world and we know that because we’ve been there. <MORE>

Walking, knocking, talking … SOLD!

ROC Leader Kathy Zorotheos tells the story of how she thought she had retirement figured out, only to have the security of her home put in jeopardy when the landlord decided to sell.